We headed off last wednesday night to begin our 11 day trip all around Brazil. As of tonight, we are in our 5th hotel and have at least made pit stops in nearly 20 cities. While the last 4-5 days have started running together with little sleep and long bus rides in between-- I will try to recap a few of the highlights.
- Friboi/JBS Beef Processing Plant- here we got to walk through the whole process-- literally from unloading the truck, stun gun, removing the skin, halving, cuts, and all the way to processed corned beef ready for the shelf!! Very interesting, but definitely not for those with weak stomachs!
- Nova India Semen Farm- we got to visit this farm, featuring over 30 head of Brazil's top bulls, and tour their holding pens, embryo transfer facility, laboratories, and even watched them make a few collections.
- Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture- we visited the Brazilian equiavlent to the USDA yesterday and got to learn about the different sectors of agriculture around the country, ask lots of questions, and drew many conclusions about the similarities and differences between agricultural support programs in the US.
- CNA (similar to US Farm Bureau)- one of the most interesting places we visited! We spoke with representatives about lobbying the government, agricultural education and vocational training, and the leadership among Brazilian farmers in controlling policy decisions.
- HOT SPRINGS!! Best day ever! We got to spend the entire day Saturday at a Brazilian equivalent outdoor water park! After 8 hours of floating thru the lazy river, fighting the waves in the wave pool, and reading an entire book, I was sufficiently RED but loved the relaxing day!
Other visits have included: ABCZ- Brazilian Zebu Cattle Association, Beef Feedlots, Driving Tour of the Capital of Brazil-- Brasilia, visit to INMET- the national meteoroloy institute of Brazil, any several road stops along the way!!
With 5 more days of travel left before heading back to Piracicaba, we are running low on sleep and are quite sick of sitting on our bus for 4-5 hours a day, but are ENJOYING every minute!!
**sorry no pictures, internet is kind of slow and pictures take far too long to upload!